Remember Messages

Glen Larson Bodrero, Army
Glen Larson Bodrero, Army, Staff Sergeant
Born 1/8/1924
Passed on 3/10/1945
Posted by: Niece Susan Bodrero Hawkes
In honor of Staff Sergeant Glen L. Bodrero Tail Gunner on a B25 Plane, 100th Bomb Squadron, 42nd Bomb Group, 13th Army Air Corp, South Pacific World War II. Who flew his last mission on March 10, 1945 and gave his life in the service of his county and is still MIA in the Philippines. We will always remember your sacrifice and the courage you displayed in protecting America.
John L. Bodrero, Army
John L. Bodrero, Army, Private
Born 5/16/1921
Passed on 11/10/1965
Posted by: Niece Susan Bodrero Hawkes
In Memory of Private John L Bodrero, who entered World War II in October of 1942, serving in the Army Air Corps in the Head Quarters Base Unit 268th Petersen Field, Colorado. Providing training of aircrews headed to the European Theater. Serving his county during the war and being honorably discharged in February of 1946 as a Warrant Officer in the Continental Air Force/Strategic Air Command in the 1st AAF Base Unit at Andrews Field Washington DC. In remembrance of his service to his country and protecting its freedom.